Coaching Questions to Keep You and Your Story and Your Life on Course

As a writing coach and mentor, I work with writers to become conscious of their writing process, to become accountable to their writing spirit, and to identify and deal with resistance so it does not stop them from writing. I encourage my clients to name, clarify, and hone their goals. I also ask them to identify the meaning they attach to reaching those goals. I ask myself those same questions. When we understand what we want and why we want it, and answer truthfully, we don’t lose our way. We can use what we know to stay on course for …

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7 Secrets that Boost Your Writing Productivity

productive writer

You want to boost your writing productivity–so how to do that with ease? It’s no secret that productive writers share some simple habits that help them organize, focus, and stay on track and accountable to their project goals. Organize, sort and prioritize to boost your writing productivity. These days most writers are juggling projects, which may including revising one book, developing another book, posting regularly on blogs, writing content for newsletters, promotional material and reviews and…the list goes on. Organizing doesn’t need to be fancy. In fact, don’t let yourself get lost in perfectionism because that leads to procrastination. Keep …

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Sometimes You Gotta Kill the Witch: Break Through Extreme Resistance

mask day of the dead

My last post contained an array of tips for breaking through writer’s block, and they can be very effective for normal resistance, but sometimes you gotta kill the witch to break through extreme resistance! Get along with the voices inside of my head I can relate to Eminem’s song, The Monster, and after decades of writing, I’m pretty familiar with the myriad voices inside of my head. I know plenty of Creatives who count “The Monster” as their theme song. At least on darker days. Friends with the monster that’s under my bed  And most of the time, those voices and I work well …

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Break Through Writer’s Block: 13 Tips to Get You Flowing Again

break through writer's block

Break through writer’s block using these helpful techniques:

1) Break through writer’s block and breathe!  Slowly, deeply, it’s all okay and normal and you will be fine, truly. Keep on breathing…you can’t write when you’ve passed out and you’re blue in the face.Break through writer's block breathe

2) When you struggle with resistance tell yourself, “I’m not alone.” Because you’re not. Most writers will tell you that all writers have an internal voice that constantly lobbies to stop them from writing. That voice might be saying, “No way you’re going to put your stories into the world because you will get effin’ killed!  No one will care, or everyone will hate you, or you will be judged worthless! So stop writing this minute! So step away from the page! And I’ll keep nagging you until you go crazy because I’m the only voice of sanity around here!”

3) That said, if you are determined to write (and I hope you are!) you will want to find worthy supporters. Don’t ask your mom, your sig. other, your best friend to read a story and know what to say. They don’t. If you put them on the spot, they will try to help-or they may actually try to sabotage you because they don’t like that you’re actually doing what they only want to do. Find a teacher, mentor, editor who can give you honest and constructive feedback.

4) When you feel overwhelmed by rules, put the story structure info away—in a drawer, in a trash can, in a virtual trash can—and don’t look at it again. When it causes anxiety it is no longer useful. Shred any piece of paper that tells you there are rules for writing a novel. There are techniques (and you should learn them before you ignore them) but there are no absolute rules.

5) Know that finishing is difficult for your creative self (and mine and everyone’s!). When we near the end of our draft, resistance can swell a bit. Let’s be honest, it can loom as large as a friggin’ tsunami!

6) Know that beginning can be a bear, too. Blank pages may daunt so dive in with some free writes. Try this prompt: “This story is about…” Let your pen move quickly, don’t make your prose pretty, write the forbidden.

Break through writer’s block when fear tries to stop you:

7) Do a 5 minute free write using this prompt: “I am afraid to write this book because…” When you are finished, remind yourself that your fear connects you to your characters. If you write, “I am afraid my story will suck and the world will know I cannot write,” ask yourself, “who in my story is terrified of failure?” If you write, “I’m afraid to write this story because I will die or the people who read it will die,” remind yourself that your deep fears are not logical. But that kind of fear may be connected to the fear of using your voice, of being heard, of having power, and, perhaps, of being judged. At its primal nature, your fear is a doorway into your characters and your story.

break through writer's block

8) Harpies, tricksters, and other inner nasties got you down? Write a 5-Minute-Vent using the prompt: “I am allowing my inner gremlins, tricksters, furies and fear-mongers the next five minutes to have their say, here goes…”  Now transcribe what comes through until their time limit is up. Then, close the vent respectfully yet firmly. Skim what you’ve read to be sure you hear their message. Let them know you hear them. Remind your inner voices that you will give them another “hearing” tomorrow if they need to speak.  Also remind them that you (grown up, integrated, whole you) are writing this book and you are the perfect person to write this book. Remind them that they can relax and take time off because you will be okay and their messages are “early” survival alerts and misguided not to mention a drag on energy that you really want to tap for writing your novel!

9) Remember that perfection is the enemy of creativity. Nothing is perfect. Stick a post-it with “shitty first draft” somewhere on your desk so it’s visible when you write. It worked for Anne Lamott. I add “messy, fast, and hot first draft.” I also like, “shitty, shitty, bang, bang-it-out!”

10) Remain ever-curious about your story and your story world and the characters who inhabit the world. Know that you are the perfect person to write your story. It lives in you and it will live through you.

Break through writer’s block with support from other writers:

11) Let me know how this goes. We writers are often good people and we like helping other writers. We understand the courage it takes to put your deepest work out into the world to share with others.

12) Treat yourself to dark chocolate or your version of dark chocolate. Give yourself a pat-gently-on your heart (I’m serious). Have faith, you are a writer, and you are not alone. Everyone faces challenges. It’s how you deal with them that separates the writers from the wannabes.

13) Commit to a creative life and set your sights on building your body of work. Take risks, be kind to yourself and to others.

These are just a few of the tips I share  in my writer’s workshops to help you break through creative resistance. Post a comment and let me know if they help. And share your own tried and true methods to overcome resistance. I’d love to hear from you!

Need more help to break through extreme resistance? Click Here

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Help, I’m stuck on the page! — 10 Tips to Get Your Pen Moving Again~

1) Breathe!  Slowly, deeply, it’s all okay and normal and you will be fine, truly. (And repeat.) 2) Put the story structure info away—in a drawer, in a trash can, in a virtual trash can—and don’t look at it again. When it causes anxiety it is no longer useful. Shred any piece of paper that tells you that there are rules for writing a novel. 3) Know that finishing is difficult for your creative self (and mine and everyone’s!). Resistance can swell a bit when the end of a draft (or even “almost-draft”) nears. 4) Know that you are the …

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#NaNoWriMo2015-Get to the Heart of Your Story (writing tip #22)

If you started writing your novel on November 1st, you are fast approaching your final week!  Kudos for those of you who pushed the edge of the envelope (and filled the pages) this month. If fear kept you from beginning, continuing, completing your first draft, acknowledge your fear and sit with the feelings. Take a few minutes to free write to see if you can focus in on the nature of your fears: Are you afraid of failure? Afraid of writing total crap? Afraid of actually finishing? Afraid of success? Afraid of attention? Afraid of being seen? Afraid of not …

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#NaNoWriMo2015–Get to the Heart of Your Story (writing tip #17)

I listened to a lecture last night by one of my favorite writing teachers, Al Watt. One of his exercises is for each writer to free write about his/her fears when it comes to writing a particular novel or screenplay. Common fears include fear of failing, fear of writing dreck, fear of forcing the story instead of letting the characters guide the writing, fear of dying, fear of hurting others. Then Al asks writers to think about the protagonist of the story and to connect the primal essence of the writer’s fears to the character’s fears. At deep core, they …

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#NaNoWriMo2015–Get to the Heart of Your Story (writing tip #10)

Over the course of writing seven novels on deadline, I’ve found that there are times I need to get closer to my characters, and there are times I need distance, at least temporarily. If you’re struggling with either of these issues, take these tips to heart: More Intimacy: I need to get inside my character’s skin! If you’re feeling some distance between yourself and your novel, here is a simple way to write your way to more intimacy: 1) Pick one of your upcoming scenes, an interaction between your hero and at least one other character. Your hero is the viewpoint …

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Pump Up the Faith Muscles

I just finished a phone conversation with a writer I know. He is new to writing and he’s eager to learn his craft—although he already understands how to write strong, entertaining scenes. I remind him of this often. Still, he worries a lot. I remind him, also, that his characters are strong and they have suffered and we care about them. Characters have the power to invite us into their book so we follow them eagerly across the most tumultuous narrative seas; characters also have the less-than-desirable power to shoo us away from reading because we don’t care about them …

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Always End With a Smile~and Other Writing Lessons from Puppy Class

Last week my daughter and I and our 10-month old recently rescued puppy, Jazz, all graduated from ‘Puppy Basics’. Jazz, who is 13.5 pounds of clever terrier-plus-guess-what, and my daughter, who is wise and a few days shy of her 11th birthday, breezed through the lessons: relax, sit, stay, off, down, lineup, come, and leave it. I did fine, too, as I am fascinated by animal behavior and what it teaches us about ourselves and others. At the end of the class, as is her custom, our instructor Judy reminded us to generously praise our dogs and ourselves because the …

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