
This is it, my first day on the blog. As a writer, I’m always beginning–new stories, new drafts, new novels. Beginnings are exciting. They are filled with promise. At first glance, beginnings may seem to be free of the burden of commitment. Anything is possible, isn’t it? And yet, as a storyteller, a novelist, I know that each beginning contains the whisper of its ending–just as each ending circles back to its beginning.

This is where I write about writing–beginning, ending, and everything in between–and books, and creativity, and one writer’s life.

This blog is meant for writers, readers, those of us who love stories.

I look forward to hearing from you.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world, Sarah. It will be a treat to hear your voice through this medium. Thanks for all your encouragement and incredible insight over the years.

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