Okay, so technically this 30th NaNoWriMo post comes to you on December 1. (Even if I pretend that I’m writing this in Honolulu, we are still minutes into the last month of the year.)
So I’m opting for flexible and sending out congratulations to all who wrote their way through November.
Hopefully, depending upon where you are in the world–catching up on your ZZZZZZs, watching the sun rise, or midway through your day–you are celebrating your accomplishment.
There is more writing to be done, more drafts of your novel (more screenplays, essays, short stories, memoirs).
We writers write, rewrite, edit, polish, publish–and begin again. We are always telling our stories. We are always trying to understand the world around us. We are always searching for answers to our deepest questions and our navigational tool is the word.
Here’s to our stories, past, present, and future!